Tag: self-esteem

  • Consciousness

    Hi there I thought of sharing my current understanding of this thing we call consciousness. My view on this matter is that we exist on many different levels. When we are born our mind is a blank canvas and we feel mainly positive energy, as long as we don’t feel in danger. This is the…

  • Your story MATTERS

    Your story MATTERS

    In this life, we can only be accountable for what happens to us. I can only share my story because I am the one living it. I could also choose to reach outside my true desire to produce something more pleasant for other people, but if I did so, I would be the same as…

  • Use your purifying system

    If we were able to purify our emotions would we want to do it?    Another question is why some people are not yet taking ownership and responsibility for cleaning the toxicities in their lives?  It is possible to convert your negative thoughts about yourself and feelings, into pure happiness. The recipe is simple, but we…