Tag: Well-being

  • Everybody wants you to be you

    Believe it or not, everyone is longing for authentic expression and freedom. Everybody wants you to be your genuine self and careless about other people’s views. Everyone wants you to enjoy life so they can start doing the same. Everyone is wanting you to demonstrate that it is as it is, magical, flowing, existence is…

  • We are cells on high heels

    This is more a sarcastic post, in my view. Have you ever considered that we are walking cells with a consciousness, sitting on and using energy that creates worlds and human beings, and collaborates with all species and universal matter? We are interconnected to all that exists. Underneath the mind, it runs a river that…

  • The science of mental paralysis

    The notion of I nowadays is blurred by many layers of perception. It is like the I hides behind information once given to us and that we are inadvertently holding on to, or we wish to hold on to. The I is our core beingness, where there is no white noise, no distortions, no analysing,…

  • Consciousness

    Hi there I thought of sharing my current understanding of this thing we call consciousness. My view on this matter is that we exist on many different levels. When we are born our mind is a blank canvas and we feel mainly positive energy, as long as we don’t feel in danger. This is the…

  • Desires


    This word, desire, is the cure for mental illness. Because if we listen more to what we want genuinely, and not just superficially, we will start feeling a greater impulse to live our lives in a more meaningful way. Allow your desires to flourish. Wake up to your beautiful self.

  • To be is to detach

    Photo:Guy Tal  Existence in an organic way, as I discuss in my blog, requires a high awareness of how the mind tends to absorb information around us. Unless we see this process clearly, we won’t be able to experience complete freedom. Seeing the structures, meanings, rules, social expectations is the first step for individuation. We…

  • Exuberant stillness

    Exuberant stillness

    There is exuberant stillness within and around us. There is no “in” or “out” when we are tasting and experience being. All is one. All is innocent. Like a child that has no idea of the expectations around her, and simply enjoys each moment. We are in our essence pure children, playful, spontaneous and creative…